AMBer Pines Farm Puppy Process


The first thing in the process of being accepted for a puppy is to fill out the puppy application which is found under the Client Questionnaire tab. Once approved for a Berger American Mastiff or a Berger American Mastidoodle puppy you have the option of sending a deposit to hold a spot for my next litter. If there is room on my list a deposit will put you in line for a puppy but contact me first so I can let you know what your placement on the list will be. I accept personal checks, money orders, cashier checks or Zelle for deposit options.

*Contact me for current pricing. 

*Your puppy will be micro chipped by 6 weeks of age; the charge for this is included in the total price of your puppy. When you pick up your puppy all the information and microchip number and microchip registration information will be in the packet you take home with your puppy.

* The payment balance is required before the puppy can be taken off Berger property or shipped. You may choose to pay the balance at pick-up; at that time, cashier’s check, money order, Zelle or cash is the only acceptable method of payment.

Some additional important information:

* I prefer puppies are pick up and not shipped, famlies can drive direct and many just plan a family road trip to pick up their new family member. Other options are to fly here and fly home with your puppy as a carry on, this option is the quickest for most. Some choose to fly here and rent a car and drive home, this is recommended if your puppy is a little older and larger.

* I no longer ship puppies by air due to the problems with the airlines and loss of life while in their hands, I have not personally lost any pups but I fear the possibility. There are however several option for ground transportation, I have listed a few here and also under the "Other Helpful Information" page there is a link to Citizens Shipper Services. Fill out their form online and they will send you quotes from pet transport companies. All of these companies will travel all the 48 states plus Alaska, I have used them all but some pick up and drop off other pets along the way. I highly recommend if you go this route you secure a direct transport as I have had puppies take 3-5 days to get to their destinations and I don't recommend this at all.

1. Paws Express Transport USDA Certified, Licensed and Insured. They are out of Georgia but travel the US (678) 895-1336

2. Blue Collar Pet Transport, USDA Certified, Licensed and Insured. They are out of Orlando, Florida (888)208-6669 

3. Purrrfect Transport, Brian Calvert (219) 869-5092 or (219) 869-4302

4. Superior Pet Transport, (610) 442-5495

* I want the puppies I breed to be treated as family members, and as such they absolutely must live in the house with the family. The dog cannot be chained, nor tethered, nor used as a guard dog for any business or non-residential establishment.   

-- A good quality diet I recommend is Costco’s Kirkland’s Natures Domain all life stages Beef and Sweet Potato, it is completely grain free and has  the correct amount of protein for this giant breed puppy. If you don’t have a Costco by you then Taste of the Wild High Prairie puppy food is also a good pick.

-- Caution is required in order to protect young bones and joints. Your puppy should be kept on secure footing, such as carpet, as much as possible. If you have slippery floors, place several rubberized area rugs in each room to create islands of safety. The puppy must be kept from jumping off anything higher than 4-6 inches for first sixteen weeks of its life, and any high-impact activity should be kept to an absolute minimum for the first 18 months. Rough play during puppy hood with larger, more exuberant dogs is particularly risky. It is very important that puppies have socialization and play opportunities with dogs you know are safe, but supervise them closely so undue exuberance can be discouraged.

Exercise "on the flat" is highly desirable, but the safety of developing skeletal structures must always be kept in mind.

-- Commencing as early as possible, at least 10 weeks of professional basic obedience training must be completed before the dog's first birthday. This training must come from a qualified trainer, skilled in the humane use of a variety of methods and tools, as may be suited to the learning needs of the individual canine. I will help locate a reputable trainer in your area.

Unless you intend to never have your dog outside without a leash, the goal of this training must be off-leash reliability under all conceivable circumstances. Prior to achieving this reliability, the dog must not be allowed outside a suitably fenced area off-leash.

This process was developed based on many years of rescue, training and breeding experience with dogs. It is designed to ensure that each puppy I breed receives a loving, responsible and permanent home, and to give you the greatest possible chance at a happy and long life together. I understand that to some people the requirements will seem excessive. I respect that, and encourage them to contact another breeder.

(a note of caution; We have learned over the years that parents with well behaved children also raise well behaved dogs. Those who have unruly children raise unruly dogs. Please think about this before joining our list. Your dog will grow up with your children and probably behave as they do. You certainly do not want a 200 lb "unruly" dog.  This breed is wonderful with children, they love children, but you cannot expect the dog to be better behaved than your own children.) I highly recommend an online coarse called Kids & K9’S offered through E-training for dogs, I added their link to my links page.

Be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

You can also request to join my AMBer Pines Farm Facebook Group if you have not yet joined here is the link to request to.

There is also 3 questions when you submit the request, please answer all 3 to help insure you are accepted. There are many on my group page who have a puppy from me and can answer your questions about temperament and intelligence or anything else you think of. 

Sandy Berger

AMBer Pines Farm